Mar 21, 2024
Fuel Theft – Secure Your Site Against Thieves
Fuel theft is on the rise in the UK, with no signs of stopping. The act of stealing fuel from both vehicle and ground tanks has become a lucrative crime, leaving its impact on the transport, logistics, and construction industries.
What can be done to combat the problem? Theft is down to the authorities to solve, but there are processes you can implement to protect your fuel. These methods can deter thieves from even attempting to steal your fuel, making them a worthwhile investment to save you the huge financial burden of theft in future.
In this post, we’ll discuss the fuel theft problem and what you can do to best secure your supply.
Why are people stealing fuel?
Fuel theft is not uncommon, and the crimes can vary in size. From stealing fuel from construction machinery to draining tanks in supply depots, every crime leaves its mark. This can be an incredibly stressful aspect of work life to consider for business owners and site managers.
It’s essential to understand that you could be a target if you have fuel on-site.
Why is fuel theft on the rise? It’s down to a wide range of factors. Ease, the cost of living crisis, and the 2022 red diesel duty changes all play a large part in why this crime’s popularity is increasing.
Many sites still don’t have adequate security. This could be because of trust in the community or a lack of funds. Whatever the reason, it leaves these sites open to criminal activity. Without cameras or alarms, there is little to deter a thief.
The accessibility and vulnerability of fuel tanks also play a part. If your fuel tanks aren’t in a locked area and easy to spot from outside or around the site, then they will be more susceptible to theft. If it’s clear that your tanks aren’t in the best condition, thieves will use this to their advantage and target weak areas.
Cost of living crisis
The rising cost of living in the UK continues to increase, putting immense pressure on families and individuals. The price of food and energy, specifically gas, is increasing faster than the average household income. Unfortunately, some are turning to criminal action to combat this. Fuel fetches a high price, leading some to steal and resell.
2022 red diesel duty changes
The government introduced the red diesel duty reform in April 2022 as a step towards its net zero carbon 2050 agenda. Restrictions were put in place to reduce the usage of red diesel, which, among other sectors, meant that the construction industry needed to find an alternative.
White diesel is one of those alternatives. Clear in colour and more expensive, this fuel became a prime target for thieves. Without the red dye used in red diesel, this fuel is easier to resell once stolen and fetches a higher price than red due to its demand.
The impact
Fuel theft can cause extensive financial losses, but that’s not the only impact. In February 2023, a 13 tonne excavator suffered damage on a housing construction site in Shrewsbury due to fuel theft. A noticeable peak happened over Christmas due to unattended plant, with thieves stealing fuel and other supplies from empty sites.
While money is the main loss, the theft of supplies and the damage of equipment cannot be understated. Delays are caused when operations can’t continue, which happens when machinery doesn’t work, or the materials you need are missing. This decreased productivity results in lost hours and increased costs, affecting timelines and budgets.
Theft prevention and strategies
Fortunately, there are ways to protect both your fuel supply and your site. If you remove the easy opportunities, you will deter thieves.
CCTV and alarms
Start with implementing security measures such as advanced CCTV surveillance and alarm systems. Often, just the signage announcing that these measures are in place is enough to put thieves off. If not, then a loud warning siren is going to drive them away once they step foot into private property. Getting clear footage of the perpetrators is also helpful when it comes to filing police reports.
Secure your tanks
Stop thieves in their tracks by installing good-quality locks. For above-ground tanks, there are a number of security cages you can purchase to put an extra barrier between the public and your fuel. Buy strong, tamper-proof locks for cages and ensure you have lockable filler caps on your tanks.
Regular inspections
Keep on top of your site’s, or your tank’s, vulnerabilities. With regular routine inspections, you can stay ahead of issues and address them promptly before they can become bigger problems that thieves could take advantage of. Tour your site and identify any areas that could use more security.
If you spot issues with your tanks, such as signs of ageing, consider professional repairs or tank replacements. We can arrange both of these services for you, ensuring experts arrive at your site to fix damage or install new storage tanks.
Fuel management systems
When you’ve implemented the security measures needed, invest in a fuel management system. These remotely monitored systems will alert you to a sudden drop in fuel or even irregular gradual loss. Our team at Fuelsource monitors your levels in real-time, making it possible for us to alert you when we see something suspicious.
Be prepared with Fuelsource
Fuel theft is a serious crime and a rising problem. As case numbers climb, it’s imperative to take the proper measures for your own site and fuel, so make the choice to invest in security. Tank cages and locks will make theft a more difficult task, while cameras, alarms and motion detectors will deter theft in the first place.
Should you suffer a theft, we are on hand with our expert emergency fuel delivery service. Call us at any time, 24/7, and we will arrange for fuel to be with you within 24 hours. We don’t want you to be without fuel for any longer than necessary, so you can rely on our emergency fuel supplier service to get your operations going again.
We have hope that the future holds more security for fuel within the construction, transport and logistics industries. Part of this will be taking the necessary steps to protect fuel supplies and prioritising site security. If you need advice on how to secure your fuel, or would like to arrange for a fuel tank repair or replacement service, get in touch today. Call us on 0207 846 0255 and speak to one of our experts.